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Stefan Gimpl

Best food? Sushi

Best relaxing spot? on a mountain peak in the evening

 Age? 31
Favorite book? "to have or to be" Erich Fromm 

Favorite country for holidays? I love the wilderness. Alaska and Greenland
 Years riding ?  18
 Worst damage? on myself? I fell on my head a couple of times. Otherwise I got lucky. 

Opinion for double-triple tricks? crazy stuff. sometimes I wish I could have learned it. But then also riding deep powder and doing some 360s and a bit more is a great feeling as well. 
 Hometown? Leogang, Austria
Family (Brothers,Sisters) ? 2 Brothers one sister
 Large or medium 'booms'? I guess you mean boobs? or am I too much focused on them  

 Mountain bike or surfing? I prefer surfing. But mountain biking is fun as well. (downhill though)
Climbing or Hiking? nowadays hiking
Europe or America? Europe
 Best resort? for snowboarding any place in the western alps is great

Super pipe or Slope style? I'd go with the superpipe or ... no.. difficult. if the jumps in the slopestyle are great I would rather hit the jumps. 
 Heliboarding Alaska or Lake Tahoe? Alaska
 Worst Moment by contest accident? falling on my head as mentioned before. 
 Fitness, skiny, or normal body? for my taste and viewing pleasure something between all 3 of them. 
Death from avalanche or Tsunami? At the moment I would choose a Tsunami. I would be glad to still live a couple of years and because a Tsunami catching a mountain guy like me is quite unlikely I will go with the tsunami.